Sharing Forms

There are two ways to share a form:

  • Placing the Form widget on a site page and configuring the widget to display the particular form. This allows the form to be seen and submitted by any user who has access to the site page.
  • Sharing the dedicated form URL directly with users. This limits access to the form to only those users who have the direct link.

Displaying a Form on a Site Page

  1. Navigate to the site page (for example, Contact Us).

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. Click Widgets then Collaboration to expand the menu.

    Selecting the Form widget

  4. Add the Form widget to the page.

    The blank Form widget on a page

  5. Once the Form widget is on the page, click Select Form.

  6. Choose the Guest Survey form and click Save.

  7. Close the Form Configuration window.

    The Form widget displays the Guest Survey form

Getting the Direct URL to a Form

You must first publish a form before you can get a shareable link. Otherwise, you might see this warning message:

Grayed out warning

Once the form is published, a banner containing its link appears briefly:

The form link is shown in a banner when you click the Publish button.

To get the link after the banner disappears or share the form’s link by email, click the Share button.

Get the URL from the Share screen.

You can copy the URL or configure an email to send to relevant recipients. Users who click on the link receive direct access to just the form.

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