Clarity’s Building Applications Requirements

Building custom applications can be a time-consuming and complex process that requires dedicated developer resources. Moreover, modifying out-of-the-box behavior can be difficult or even impossible, hindering alignment with business needs. Overcoming these challenges requires a flexible customization approach that can adapt and leverage existing platform features.

With Liferay’s low-code capabilities and extension points, Clarity can build the solutions they need without the complexity, overhead, or resource burden typically associated with traditional development. As a global leader in optical technology, Clarity has drawn interest from a growing number of international distributors. To address this interest, Clarity needs a custom solution for receiving and approving distributor applications.


With this solution in mind, let’s review Clarity’s development requirements.

Reduce strain on IT resources and accelerate delivery with low-code/no-code capabilities

Liferay Objects offers low-code/no-code capabilities for building custom applications. With a user-friendly interface, both technical and non-technical stakeholders can define data structures and implement business logic without the need for code. Objects can also serve as the foundation for more complex customizations using client extensions. Taken together, these features empower Clarity to build solutions that align with their specific needs and without overburdening IT resources.

Customize the platform without modifying its core

In addition to Objects, Liferay provides both microservice and frontend client extensions for customizing the platform without modifying its code. Developers can leverage Liferay microservice client extensions to define custom business logic (e.g., validations, notifications, actions) hosted outside Liferay and triggered by platform events. They can also use custom element client extensions to render external applications as widgets in Liferay pages. This enables Clarity’s developers to build highly customized applications while maintaining platform stability.


Now that we’ve reviewed Clarity’s requirements, you can deploy the custom solution you’ll be reviewing and contributing to throughout this module.

Next Up: Deploying the Application



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